
Currently free for all teams to try

Unstuck is currently free to try and will remain free forever for teams of less than 50 people. We are still working out future pricing for larger teams.
CORE - For Teams up to 10
$0 Free forever!

Get our core features for free forever

Core features give your team all the tools you need to engage, collaborate and save time using Unstuck

Get Started For Free
Core Features Include:
Web + Desktop apps
1:1 video calls with drawing
Smart routing system for pairing
PREMIUM - For Teams Over 10
$0 Free for now and likely $20 per user per month

Core + Premium Features

All the core features plus premium reporting features to enhance productivity and shape your resourcing plans

Get Started For Free
Premium Features Include:
Everything in core
Analytics dashboard for team leads that gives detailed performance data

Cut down on meetings, save time and create a more productive team today.